India’s leading automobile designer Dilip Chhabria or DC Design’s has recently released the video of the remodeled Mahindra XUV500 christened as ‘Mahindra XUV500 DC Lounge’. We have already brought you the pictures and details of the same, now you can watch this big daddy of Mahindra in action.
The changes to the exterior are minimal with the re-designed bumper and grille. But the car is totally different from inside with DC’s super luxurious interiors kit which includes the follows;
- DC removed the second and third rows of seats, replaced their with two 24 inch captain seats
- Seats and the interior get brown color
- Air craft themed roof module exuding ambient reading lights
- All the controls for the interior lights and seats are placed in the armrests
- Individual reading lights for the passengers
- 2 nos. 10.4 Inch LED Television sets which are placed on the back of front seats, it can be connected to a DVD player or you can connect it to the Laptop and use the big screen for doing your work
- A pair of two tables for placing laptop with sliding tops and glass holders
Check out the video below the jump.
Also see – Mahindra XUV5OO modified by DC Design