Hindustan Motors in technical collaboration with Mitsubishi Motors yesterday announced attractive reduced price of Rs. 22.56 Lakhs (ex-showroom New Delhi) for Pajero Sport with immediate effect. The price comes following the local production of the Pajero Sport model at the Hindustan Motors plant in Tiruvallur near Chennai. Pajero Sport was earlier priced at Rs. 24.43 Lakhs (ex-show room New Delhi). The customers will receive a benefit of Rs. 1.87 Lakhs.
Currently components like Tyre, battery, window glass, seat belts, lamps, wiper assembly, alloy wheels & headlining are the major items which are being localized at its Tiruvallur plant. As of now, localization ratio is about 14% but will look at improving localization by upto 30% by next fiscal year.
The CKD Pajero Sport comes with the same 2.5-litre Common Rail DI-D & VG Turbo, Maximum power 178 PS & Torque 400 Nm, On demand Super Select 4 WD, Rear Stabilizer, 5.6 m best in class turning radius and other exact specifications for this lower price.
Pajero Sport offers high performance, superb high speed handling and stability, unmatchable off road capabilities and luxurious and comfortable interior space.
Hindustan Motors also have its Mitsubishi range of dealerships across 40 locations with four service outlets and three show windows. The company will look at fortifying its dealerships to 55 points by end of 2012. Some of the cities include New Delhi, Chandigarh, Agra, Chennai, Mumbai, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Ludhiana, Vadodara, Pune, Coimbatore, Cochin, Kolkata, Bangalore and Mangalore.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Uttam Bose, Managing Director, Hindustan Motors Limited said –
“We are pleased to announce our start of production of the Pajero Sport in our Tiruvallur plant and are happy to extend the price benefit to our customers. India has in the recent past seen an increased desire for SUV’s; Pajero Sport will further consolidate its position in the Indian market. Pajero Sport will look at capturing 20% of the premium SUV segment in the country. With Pajero Sport being locally manufactured, the production numbers is set to increase to over 400 units and also the plant has capacity to scale up operations based on market requirements. The manufacturing quality of Pajero Sport CKD is as great as the CBU quality and the dealers are also happy with the end result. With changing lifestyles, customers are looking for vehicles that are used just not on roads but also off-road. The Pajero Sport doubles up as an ‘entertainment vehicle’ where one can venture into challenging terrains and see great feats being performed.”
Also see – Mitsubishi India launched Pajero Sport SUV priced at Rs. 23.53 lakhs