Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan recently named their daughter Aaradhya- sanskrit for ‘one who is worth worshipping – nearly four months after being born. Now daddy Abhishek Bachchan has booked an Audi A8 for his darling daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. The car will come to Bachchan house with a tag price of Rs 1.50 crore. Besides him the whole Bollywood seems to be on a car gifting spree. Recently, Karan Johar has gifted Hrithik Roshan a Ferrari, which was said to have been missing from his collection, for the success of Agneepath which was a remake of the old Indian film with the same name starred by Amitabh Bachchan.
According to leading sources, the Bachchan parivar that got the little angel Aaradhya on November 16 last year has been gifted an Audi A8 specially after hustling through a list of cars in India. The Audi A8’s name starts with the same letter as Aaradhya and the model number A8 also represents the eight characters in the Beti B’s name. The addition of the premium sedan’s name with the Bollywood’s Big B’s family is a matter of much praise for the German car maker. Abhishek Bachchan is said to have spent a whooping Rs 1.50 crore in getting a ferry car for his daughter. An official announcement in this regard is awaited from the Bachchan family. We are sure the car is just the beginning of greater things for little Aaradhya.
The Audi A8 has added another chapter to the love of Bollywood for cars. History is witness that some of the lush and plush cars in India were brought to the country by some of the Bollywood Heroes and Heroines. Be it the Mercedes cars or Ferrari all were added to their fleet of cars by actors and actresses. Recently as well Saif Ali Khan, Agent Vinod drove Ferrari in Dubai as a promotional activity. Similarly, the action film by Junior B – Players used Mini Cooper to ferry gold. There are innumerable examples such as these in Hollywood; use Aston Martin by Bond is a well known example.
Also see – Kamal Hassan Drives Home New 2011 A8 Limousine
See more pictures of 2011 Audi A8 –