These are the clearest views of the upcoming full-faired Bajaj Pulsar 200SS so far. These clear photos were shot by Nitin Aggarwal of Pune, who not only managed to get snap the pictures, but also had the chance to get seated on the Pulsar 200SS. The exact model name of the new bike isn’t clear yet, however, according to the same this is the Pulsar 200SS variant which will sit about the Pulsar 200NS. He further adds that Pulsar 200SS will get a full-fairing, twin-projector headlamps, fuel-injection and Anti-lock Braking System (ABS).
Nitin Aggarwal having seated on the Pulsar 200SS says that the seats are comfortable, even for the pillion, something which was not seen in the Duke 200 or the 200 NS. And for the pillion, there are no grab rails, but there is support underseat. Considering the aerodynamic design, windshield and high handlebars, the new Pulsar 200 SS seems to be designed as a tourer. He further confirms that the test bike wore the same tyres as the 200NS in the form of EuroGrip 100 section at front, while the EuroGrip 130 section at rear.
From the spy pictures, its evident that new Pulsar will get the ABS option, however, we aren’t sure whether this will come as standard, or optional, but optional sounds logical, as keeping ABS as standard will push the price of 200SS very high. A large windscreen will help in reducing wind resistance at high speeds and clip-on handle bars have been added, which hint at excellent highway manners. Another new feature is the addition of new petal disk brakes, and new mirrors which should help in better rear visibility.
On the Pulsar 200 SS the underbelly exhaust has been replaced by a conventional unit, this type of exhaust is also available in the existing 200 NS but as an added accessory or power-part. In the 200 SS, this might come as standard to add to the overall sleek design of the bike, which adds to the overall aggressive stance of the Pulsar 200 SS. The odometer will be similar to Pulsar 200NS, also there isn’t much changes in the cockpit section of the upcoming Pulsar 200SS.
Under the skin, the upcoming fully-faired Pulsar 200SS will borrow the engine from the Pulsar 200NS, but will get fuel-injection system. This along with better tuning will see a major power boost to an expected 23-24Bhp ,along with improved acceleration and riding dynamics. Compared to Pulsar 200NS, the Pulsar 200SS will priced high about Rs. 15,000 – 20,000 more, retaining the Pulsar value for money scheme. And don’t be surprised if Pune-based bike manufacturer makes the Pulsar 200SS debut by end this-month or early next-month.
Also see – Fully-faired Bajaj Pulsar 200SS spied, launch next-month
See more spy pictures of Bajaj Pulsar 200SS –
Source – Nitin Aggarwal (via Rushlane)