Just yesterday Peugeot India has performed the bhoomi pooja and the ground-breaking ceremony in the Gujarat to set-up a facility with a global investment of Rs. 4,000 cores, approximately 650 million €. Earlier we brought you the spied pictures of many 207 hatchbacks and 508 sedans have been spotted testing on the Indian streets. It is quite clear that Peugeot has plans to launch a hatchback in an already crowded segment in India.
Recently Peugeot has released the official images of the so called Peugeot 208, which is soon going to replace the 207. The model is dubbed the 207, and comes with many improvements and upgrades the brand is calling ‘re-generations’ over its predecessors.
“The 208 is a new illustration of the Marque’s project launched two years ago, representing a new stage in Peugeot’s desire to drive itself towards ever greater modernity,” said Xavier Peugeot, Marketing and Communication Director, Automobiles Peugeot.
‘Re-generations’ have been used to improve in many different areas of the vehicle. For starters, the weight has been significantly reduced, the lines have been made more aerodynamic, and the exterior measurements have been decreased, while the brand says the interior volume has increased.
New styling features ‘boomerang’ rear lamps, a ‘floating’ grille, and individual touches for each of the 3- and 5-door models. The interior has been designed to give the driver a better view of the instrument panel, placing it around the steering wheel, and adding a touch screen.
Technology upgrades go beyond the interior’s touch screen to cutting down emissions, use an e-HD- micro-hybrid system, and improved fuel economy. Green materials have also been used to create the front bumper and the fan assembly.
European mainland release is for this upcoming spring, and the UK should see its models as of Summer 2012. The 207, as said above, will be launched in India soon and once it enters the market we can expect 208 to replace it here after a while.
Also see – Peugeot’s 207 hatchback to be priced at Rs. 5 lakhs
See more pictures of 2012 Peugeot 208 –