Mahindra & Mahindra yesterday launched the ‘New Bolero Maxi Truck’, an addition to its ‘pick-up’ portfolio, priced at Rs 4.08 lakh (ex-showroom BS3 Karnataka, standard version). The all new Bolero Maxi Truck is powered by 2523cc MDI engine delivers a superior driving experience, comes with stylish new looks, gets the Bolero Maxi Truck option and better interiors.
On the exteriors, it has undergone a makeover to become more stylish with elegant new headlamps and a re-styled front grille. The new Bolero Maxi Truck takes ahead the equity of the Mahindra Bolero Pick Up brand with its strong build and finish quality while enhancing its style quotient. The vehicle also has power steering for driving convenience, and is built for safety and stability.
In addition to the styling of the vehicle, it also offers a power packed performance with its 2523cc MDI engine providing 62 BHP power and 183.5 Nm torque, for ease of drivability in any terrain and effortless load carrying ability. Packed with several utility, technology and comfort features for more power, sturdiness, dependability, lower maintenance and greater earning, the Bolero Maxi Truck, scores highly over its nearest competitors.
Arun Malhotra, Senior Vice President, sales and customer care, automotive division, M&M Ltd, said –
” I am sure that this new Bolero Maxi Truck, with its power steering option will cater to the needs of the stand operators and the businessmen alike by offering them efficient cargo movement and driving comfort for even the longest trips. With a comprehensive portfolio of products we hope to further consolidate our leadership position in the commercial vehicle industry.”
The Bolero MaxiTruck is the first product in the Pick-Up category to offer the revolutionary Micro Hybrid technology. This system which proved to be extremely useful in the Scorpio has contributed to even more fuel efficiency in the Bolero which has actually been upped by 10% now. The system basically turns off the engine at signals. Moreover, the power of this vehicle enables it to cruise effortlessly between cities as also on the highway.
About the Bolero Maxi Truck –
The Style Edge
The Bolero Maxi Truck comes with an attractive and unique grille design and elegant new headlamps that give the vehicle a stylish edge. The tastefully designed dashboard with an integrated glove-box further enhances its appeal. The interiors of the vehicle could be seen as a benchmark in the commercial vehicle segment with generous cabin space and elegant fabric seats to make even the longest trips comfortable.
Power Packed Performance
The Bolero Maxi Truck offers a more power packed performance as it comes with a renowned and trusted 2523cc MDI engine. With its 62BHP (45.5 kW) power,183.5 Nm torque, sturdy rigid leaf-spring suspension robust build, it is capable of handling any kind of load and terrain. Further, large 15 inch (38.1cm) tyres ensure greater stability and less wear and tear.
Best Operating Economics
The Bolero Maxi Truck is built to move heavy loads over longer distances without breakdowns. With low maintenance, the Bolero Maxi Truck offers reduced spends and the superior fuel efficient MDI engine gives greater earnings.
Safety First
The Bolero Maxi Truck is far ahead of its contemporaries in terms of safety features. It boasts of a front–nose design for enhanced safety and strong body and chassis to handle rough and tough usage without any complaints. It has a large wheel base to ensure stability and safety even while carrying heavy loads.
Built on Trust
The Bolero Maxi Truck boasts of extensive spare parts availability and Mahindra’s wide spread network for service support. In keeping with our customer centric initiatives and to reiterate the confidence in quality and also to enhance the value of our products, the Bolero Maxi Truck comes with a 3 year unlimited kilometres warranty on engine and gearbox. Further, this vehicle also boasts of high durability, reliability and strict adherence to quality standards, which are Mahindra trademarks.
What we say? Mahindra Bolero Maxi Truck, is the oldest of all the commercial vehicles in the Mahindra’s line-up. Mahindra fans would swear by the Bolero’s off road capability, its ability to take abuse and also its high fuel efficiency and overall low maintenance. It uses the same engine as in the Mahindra Bolero.
Also see – Firstlook – Mahindra Genio