The world renowned brand Nissan has already bought back the Datsun brand after 32 long years whose Global premiere was done in New Delhi on July 15th. The first model unveiled was a sub-Rs 4 lakh hatchback Datsun Go, that is to be launched early next-year. Datsun had also reported that it will also launch few other models over the next three years. Since the Datsun Go was revealed, quite a few renderings of Datsun Go based compact Sedan and Go based MPV are already available over the cyber space.
One of the renderings obtained from our best friend at Theophilus Chin clearly indicates that the Datsun Go based compact Sedan would be less than-4-meters in length, as a result this compact Sedan is expected to compete the likes of Swift Dzire and Honda Amaze. Datsun has no plans for a Go based compact Sedan in the Indian market since Datsun Go will be followed by an even smaller hatchback (codenamed the I2) and an MPV in India. Currently Datsun has announced the compact Sedan for the Russian market.
Talking about the Datsun Go based MPV, it will accommodate 8 passengers (7 adults plus one child) and will directly compete with the likes of Maruti Suzuki Ertiga, and Chevrolet Enjoy. The Datsun MPV will be envisioned keeping in mind markets such as Indonesia and India, where sales of such vehicles are strong. By the time Go MPV is launched, Hyundai and Honda too would have launched a car each in the same segment.
From the above rendered picture, we can see that the length in side profile is slightly increased, so as to accommodate third row seating. Design look similar to that of Go hatchback, with same headlight and taillights. Although it is too early to speculate on engine options, but we bet you that Nissan will stick to the same 1.2-litre DIS supercharged engine on the petrol version, whereas, 1.5-litre K9K diesel engine will also be seen.
Check out more rendered pictures below the jump.
Also see – Datsun Go hatchback unveiled, price is expected to be under 4 lakh
Rendered Image – and AbesselingSVF’s PhotoBucket page