Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M), a leading player in the small Commercial Vehicle segment in India, launched the Mahindra Gio, India’s first 4 wheel 0.5 ton Compact Truck. A category creating vehicle in the cargo commercial vehicle segment, the Mahindra Gio combines the style, status, comfort and safety of a four wheeler with the low operating and maintenance cost of a three-wheeler. The Mahindra Gio is available at an amazing price of Rs. 1.65 lakh, ex showroom BSII; BSIII price is Rs 1.68 Lakh. Equipped with a high performance 9.1 HP Kohler engine, from Kohler, USA, the Mahindra Gio gives best-in-class mileage of 27 km per litre.
“With the launch of Mahindra Gio, we have created a new Compact Truck category in the commercial vehicle segment. The Mahindra Gio is the first of its kind entry level 4 wheel cargo vehicle, and is all set to change the dynamics of the small CV segment. As city limits gradually expand and distribution needs increase, the Mahindra Gio presents a high earning potential for customers who will benefit from its high mileage, low maintenance cost, optimum utilization of space and low acquisition cost,” said Dr. Pawan Goenka, President, Automotive Sector, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
The Mahindra Gio has undergone rigorous test runs and has been validated on all performance, safety and reliability parameters. This brand new offering from Mahindra’s commercial vehicle stable also boasts of several class leading features, including the best-in-class fuel efficiency, ‘car like’ controls and features, and a trendy & stylish look. This value for money load carrier scores highly on various parameters, including affordability, space, comfort and safety. It is also the most economical vehicle in the small CV industry, making it ideal for intra city operations. The Mahindra Gio is being manufactured in Mahindra’s Haridwar plant and is being launched in a phased manner. It will be available initially in West, North and select Eastern states and shortly thereafter in the rest of the country.
The Mahindra Gio is most suitable for intra city operations. Its compact 0.5 ton cargo box ensures maximum utilization of space. A small turning radius of 3.8 metres, dashboard mounted gear shifter and ‘car like’ steering wheel allows this nifty 4 wheel load carrier to negotiate the narrowest of roads with ease.
India’s first Compact Truck is powered by a high performance 9.1 HP Kohler engine, from Kohler, USA, which provides class leading mileage of 27 Kmpl. The Mahindra Gio also offers exceptional value for money with a low maintenance cost which is as low as that of a three wheeler. These features, coupled with an attractive price tag and better load optimization make the Mahindra Gio a great purchase.
Mahindra Gio offers greater comfort even on long trips. This stylish Compact Truck boasts of several class defining features, including adjustable cushioned bucket seats, roll down windows offering more ventilation and a car like Macpherson front suspension, ensuring comfortable ride and handling. A tall and wide cabin with extra leg room allows easy entry and exit, adding to overall comfort. Easy to operate car like controls and an easy to read instrument panel enhance the Mahindra Gio’s driving pleasure. A semi-forward cabin with a crumple zone makes the Mahindra Gio a safe vehicle, while a balanced structure provides more stability leading to a safer drive. Multi focal reflector halogen lights, side indicators and bigger rear view mirrors offer optimum visibility.
A strong gear box – 4 forward and 1 reverse –, coupled with the powerful Kohler engine gives the Mahindra Gio good pickup & load carrying capacity, while spring leaf suspension with a rigid axle enhances load stability. The load body comprises of a fully corrugated 5ft cargo box which is strong and long lasting.
The Mahindra Gio doesn’t just deliver on performance and economy. It is also one of the most stylish vehicles in its class. The signature Mahindra front grille on the flat front cabin adds a distinctly macho look to this smart Compact Truck.
- Peacock Blue
- Sporty Green
- Diamond White
- Royal Red
- Golden Yellow