Mr. Gautam Singhania, Chairman and Managine Director, Raymond Limited and Found Chairman of Super Car Club (SCC) unveiled India’s first and only drifting car. Being an auto enthusiast himself, he started drifting as a sport earlier this June and won the All Stars European Drift Championship held at Malta in September 2012. The championship consisted of over 30 contestants participating in the intense final.
Mr. Singhania drove a modified Nissan Sylvia S13 which was given to him by a friend which he enhanced to make it suitable for drift racing. After a few practice sessions ahead of the championship, He drove this modified car against professionals at the competition and managed to narrowly edge past the second best by the point difference of 2.5. He topped the charts by 88 points. He was in fact the only India,or to be more specific, the only Asian in this European Championship.
Drifting as a Motorsport always attracted and intrigued Mr. Singhania. It had been his dream to learn this form of Motorsport Mr. Gautam Singhania said, “It feels like a great honour to be the champion in one of the most premier professional drifting competitions in Europe. The competition was intense but I managed to win. I will definitely pursue this sport further. The drifting car is testimony to that and I have been practicing in it to hone my drifting skills.”
At the even. Mr. Singhania unveiled a short film on his winning striker at the All Stars Drift European Series. The video shows Mr. Singhania’s performance at the series, uncovering his passion and determination for the sport. It also offered a glimpse into drifting as a Motorsport.
Also see – So are you ready to drift?