Tony Fernandes owned UK based Caterham has announced its plans for India, and the cars will go on sale in the first half of next year. The price ranges from Rs 28 lakh all the way up to Rs 90 lakh. It will also bring the SP/300.R to India – this is a racecar-with-lights that will keep up with a Bugatti Veyron upto 100kmph (2.5 seconds from 0-100kmph, for the uninitiated) and will go around any circuit faster than the latter. It won’t be of much use on the road, however – the car is built for going around a track and nothing else. Just 25 of the SP/300.R will be made annually for worldwide consumption, and Caterham hasn’t stated yet how many of those will be assigned to India, if at all.
The Indian operations will be handled by an independent company, Caterham Cars India, owned by Mohit and Gaurav Burman of Dabur fame. Matt Cummings, a citizen of the UK, is the third owner of the Indian venture. The company will set up an assembly point in Greater Noida with an initial investment of at least Rs 2500 crores. It will focus on advertising directly with potential customers through drives of the cars on tracks, rather than more traditional avenues of advertising.
India is only the second location after the US where Caterham has set up assembly operations outside its home country. France and Japan are the two largest markets after the UK, and the company hopes that India will help it reach its target of selling 10,000 cars per annum within the next seven years – up from the 500 it does currently.
Also see – Caterham is all set to enter India this week