Nissan India has silently added an automatic variant to its sedan Sunny line-up. The automatic version of Sunny is equipped with a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) supplied by the Japanese auto-major known as the X-Tronic CVT. It is the same automatic transmission that also does duty in its sibling Renault Scala automatic. The CVT transmission is available only in the mid XL variant of the Sunny and is priced at Rs. 8.90 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi).
Although the engine remains the same, and powered by the 1.5-litre petrol engine, interestingly, at 101 bhp it develops 2 bhp more than the manual variant. The Sunny automatic will offer a class-leading fuel economy of 17.97 kmpl (ARAI Certified), which is slightly more than its closest competitor the Ford Fiesta DCT automatic, which claims to offer a fuel efficiency of 16.97kmpl (ARAI Certified).
The Sunny automatic’s most recent rival will be Scala AT as there is only Rs 9k difference between the two. Information about the AT version of Sunny suggests that it will come with keyless entry, start stop button and lot of interior make-up with chrome. Since the Sunny is available on the XL variant, expect all the features of this variant on the AT with these new features.
Furthermore, the company will also use the similar CVT transmission in the upcoming new Micra, which is expected to be launched in India by the festive season, Diwali-2013.
Model | Price |
Nissan Sunny petrol XL CVT | Rs 8.90 lakh |
Ford Fiesta AT Style | Rs 10.01 lakh |
Renault Scala Petrol CVT RXL | Rs 8.99 lakh |
Honda City S AT | Rs 9.25 lakh |
( Note – All prices mentioned above are of ex-showroom, Delhi.)
Check out more pictures below the jump.
Also see – Nissan Sunny Special Edition get new features