Mahindra’s cheetah inspired XUV500 triumphed for the fourth successive time in the current season of the Indian National Rally Championship (INRC). Team Mahindra Adventure’s rally-prepared vehicle – Super XUV500, and its driver Gaurav Gill proved unbeatable as it sailed effortlessly through the stages and won the INRC K-1000 round in the SUV class and also finished fastest overall.
After winning top positions in the INSUVRC (Indian National SUV Rally Championship) of the South India Rally, the Mahindra Adventure Rally of Maharashtra and the Rally of Coimbatore, the team blazed the trails at K-1000 and finished fastest yet again.
However the highlight of the triumph of Team Mahindra Adventure was the spectacular performance of Gaurav Gill – current Asia Pacific Rally Champion along with co-driver, Musa Sherif. There were over three minutes separating Gill and Karamjit Singh (VW Polo). It was also the first time in the history of Indian motorsport that a diesel SUV annihilated petrol-powered competition at this level. The second Super XUV500 driven by Lohitt Urs (Bonnie Thomas) finished 2nd in the INSUVRC and were quickest fourth overall.
Overall Result –
- Gaurav Gill & Musa Sheriff (SUV) 1.30:56
- Karamjith & Jagjit Singh (IRC) 1.33:20
- Amitrajit Ghosh & Ashwin Naik (INRC) 1.34:46
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Vivek Nayer, Chief Marketing Officer, Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. said –
“This unprecedented victory by the Super XUV500 is a testimony to the tough & rugged ‘Mahindra DNA’. We were tested against other petrol vehicles but emerged undefeated for the fourth time in a row! We are proud to have been adjudged fastest among all categories and rounds of INRC, as well as having won the INSUVRC class at the K-1000 Rally held in Bangalore. We dedicate this victory to our millions of loyal customers and fans.”
Also see – Mahindra’s cheetah inspired XUV500 wins the ‘Star of Nasik’ title